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all around reviews and the importance of customer service

why are reviews so important to businesses?

Why are reviews and reputation management important to my business?

March 19, 20241 min read

The main statistics that were uncovered from the survey carried out in December 2020

  • 93% of consumers used the internet to find a local business in the last year, with 34% searching every day

  • 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses in 2020 - up from 81% in 2019

  • Only 48% of consumers would consider using a business with fewer than 4 stars

  • For the 3rd year running, consumers need to read an average of 10 reviews to trust a business

  • 73% of consumers only pay attention to reviews written in the last month, while 50% will only read reviews written in the last 2 weeks

  • The most important review factors: 1) Star rating, 2) Legitimacy 3) Recency 4) Sentiment 5) Quantity

  • Consumers are most likely to look at Google My Business for local business reviews

  • 79% of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends or family. These days, word of mouth can come from outside a consumer’s social circle, with an online review having a ripple outside of a happy (or unhappy!) customer’s peers

statistics for online reviews and how they help build trust

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